Curriculum Vision Statement
Our curriculum is inclusive by design
It is our vision that every child experiences an ambitious curriculum that unlocks the doors of opportunity whilst ensuring that they not only leave us equipped with the necessary foundational skills needed in reading, writing and mathematics but also with a deep, rich breadth of knowledge across all curriculum subjects.
It is our vision that through our multifaceted - wholesome curriculum, married with high expectations, our children leave us as caring, respectful and tolerant young people prepared for life in modern Britain and Key Stage 3.
It is our vision that every child experiences an aspirational, enabling and inclusive curriculum.
These are our guiding and founding principles which underpin all of our curriculum choices.
Our curriculum is ambitious and carefully tailored to meet the needs of our community because we are:
One school. One community. Learning and Growing together.
It is a rich curriculum for all. If you require further information about any aspect of our curriculum, please contact Mrs Heavens.
Please click the heading section panels below to view our Curriculum Introduction. In addition we also provide links below to our subject pages.