Children's Mental Health Week 07.02.25

Dear Families

What a brilliant and healthy week we have had!

A quick reminder that learning starts at 08:45am – this means that your child needs to be in school and ready – not arriving!


The week started with an exciting assembly led by our Northampton Mayor - Paul! He talked to the children about his role and also about how he became Mayor. This linked wonderfully to our teaching of British Values – especially democracy. The children learnt that his main duty is to serve the people of Northampton and he is also a Postman, which he has done for many years.

Our Parliamentarians were even treated to a special Mayor Bear Pin Badge.

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, so on Tuesday, Mrs Roberts, our PSHE+C (Personal Social Heath Education & Citizenship) leader, led an assembly about how we can keep mentally fit. She also included information about Healthy Eating and how important this is to our mental wellbeing.

In our classroom community time, we joined schools across the country taking part in Place2B's Know Yourself, Grow Yourself lessons, inspired by Disney's Inside Out 2. If you would like to get involved at home, or are looking for ways to support your child with their Mental Health you can find some great resources on their website.

During the week, the children learnt about their mental fitness toolkit and the week ended with a teacher swap! Each teacher swapped classes at the end of the day to teach children about a way in which they look after their mental health. It was a wonderful chance for children to learn about how we, as adults, take our mental health seriously and think about ways that they can also take care of their mental health. 

Smile Mile

This week also saw the start of our Smile Mile event! A brilliant event that is merging our Change Makers, Houses and Mental Health week into 1!

Every child in the school is taking part in our Smile Mile to help raise vital funds for our Change Maker initiative but also learn about the positive effects of exercise on our mental health.

Thank you to everyone who helped to sponsor a child to take part and I look forward to sharing with you, the winning house next week!

Chatter Matters

Today we held our Chatter Matters group. The group is for any parent/carer whose child is neurodivergent, has a diagnosis or is on a pathway towards diagnosis. Our meetings are informal and offer a chance to chat to others. Sometimes we have speakers who may offer advice and support. Please contact Esther Atkinson by email or call school and leave her a message, if you would like to attend our Chatter Matters group. Our next dates are 21st March, 9th May, 4th July from 2pm – 3.20pm.

FEHPS bingo – 7th February, in the school hall from 5:30pm - 7:30pm - TODAY!

It’s the FEHPS family Bingo night tonight! There will be lots of prizes and laughter to be had! Every penny we raise goes straight back into improving the education and resources that your child receives so please, come along and get ready to dot and dab the night away!

Ms Pennington