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An Introduction to Safeguarding

Staying Safe

This section of the website is in place to share key information about how we keep our school community safe. Safeguarding is everyone's responsbility.

Who can I talk to?


Everyone at school wants you to feel happy and safe. You can talk to any adult in school if you feel worried or unsafe. There are also links on the website here that will give you information on things that could help you if you have a worry. There is also a free* telephone advice service called Childline where you can talk to someone in confidence about your worries. The number is 0800 1111. *The service is free on landlines and some mobile phone networks.


If you have any concerns about your child’s welfare, please make an appointment with the class teacher in the first instance. Remember, they will take any issue or concern you have seriously and are committed to helping your child feel safe at school. Most issues are resolved satisfactorily at this stage.

If you or the teacher feels that the issue cannot be resolved at this level, a meeting can be arranged with a member of the Pastoral team. Members of our Pastoral Team are:

Lucy Boswell  - Assistant Head, SU Lead and Lead DSL
Lindsey York - Assistant Head, SENCO and Deputy DSL
Kelly Roberts - Key Stage 1 Phase Leader & Health and Wellbeing Team Leader
Karen Keay- Attendance and Pastoral Lead
Krista Neville - Family Support Worker
Inderjit Jutla - HLTA and Intervention Support Worker

Contact Us about Safeguarding

If you have a Safeguarding concern that you feel our team need to be aware of, or have a question about Safeguarding at East Hunsbury Primary School, then please complete the form below and one of our Safeguarding team will get back to you.


Fields marked with * are required

Family and Pastoral Support

To provide support to the School Community, we have a Family Support Worker, Krista Neville, available to support parents with any aspect of parenting. Krista also works with children in school on an individual basis where needs are identified. Krista has a wealth of expertise, however, if Krista cannot provide the support required, she will signpost parents to other services and agencies. Also Karen Keay, our Attendance and Pastoral Lead, is here to support aspects of social and emotional development through a variety of different means, including individual and small group targeted work.

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child in our school, please speak to a member of our Safeguarding team:

You can also share concerns with:

  • Lindsey York – Assistant Head, SENCO and Deputy DSL
  • Krista Neville - Family Support Worker
  • Kelly Roberts - Senior Leader & Health and Wellbeing Team Leader
  • Kat Pennington - Headteacher
  • Julia Fenton – Assistant Head
  • Karen Keay - Pastoral & Attendance Lead

For further information regarding our Safeguarding Team and information for visitors please see below. 

If you wish to speak to a Governor, our Safeguarding Governor is Hanna Castle and our Chair of Governors is Louise Whaites. Their contact details are available from the school office.

A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be viewed below.

If you are worried about a child outside of school time, you can contact the local Multi Agency Support Hub for advice (anonymously if needs be) on 0300 126 7000. You can report a concern here.

For additional information, please use the links below:

LSCB Northamptonshire 




NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (24 hours, every day)



Action for Children 

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility

Allegations Involving School Staff/Supply Staff/Volunteers 

Please refer to our Safeguarding Policy, point 17, along side Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023. A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be viewed below.

Online Safety

As part of our safeguarding duties, we also take E-Safety seriously. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are trained in e-safety issues and are aware of the potential for serious child protection / safeguarding issues that may arise from: 

  • sharing of personal data 
  • access to illegal / inappropriate materials 
  • inappropriate on-line contact with adults / strangers 
  • potential or actual incidents of grooming 
  • cyber-bullying 
  • radicalisation 

Staff, including Governors, also receive annual training. Children are taught about E-Safety as part of the curriculum and take part in activities for the annual ‘Safer Internet Day’, as well as regular e-safety assemblies. We also provide parents with regular updates on E-Safety matters via ParentPay messages.

Children use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. In school, we have regular e-safety lessons, assemblies and activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online.

At home, sometimes children can be given unsupervised access to the Internet. This, potentially, allows them to access all kinds of content, both positive and negative.

If you visit our Online Safety page from the Parents dropdown menu, you will find useful guides on how to keep your child safe online when using common sites and apps.

For additional information, please click on the links below:

Common Sense Media 

Vodafone Digital Parenting Hub 

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

Safeguarding Document Links