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Careers, Aspirations and Money Week 14.06.24

Dear Families

WOW! What a week… this week has been brilliantly busy and I am so thankful to our amazing staff who have worked tirelessly this week to make it so successful. Apologies now for the lengthy newsletter but we really want to share so many fantastic things with you!

Careers, Aspirations and Money Week

This week we launched our first ever, Careers and Aspirations Week. Part of our school mission is for children to leave us: Knowing their future choices and opportunities so we decided to build in a week where we really looked at jobs, careers and future choices. Did your child come home and talk about a job or career that they were interested in? A huge thank you to all the parents who came into school and volunteered their time to talk to the children about their careers.

The week started with Natasha from the University of Northampton coming into talk to KS2 about Your Future, Your Choice. They had an assembly all about opportunities and Year 6 took part in special workshops also led by UoN. There were then lots of other assemblies dotted about the week where the teachers spent time discussing with the children what they would like to do when they are older.

Nationwide visited us to deliver special lessons all about money and a HUGE thank you to everyone who gave up their time or visited to support our careers fair on Tuesday and Thursday! It was amazing to see the children learn so much from our community and I know many were inspired. Reception also loved their visit from the Fire Service, Police and DHL who taught them all about their jobs.

As part of this week Year 6 visited the University of Northampton and took part in their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) events. They loved learning about the different types of careers associated with these subjects and participating in hands-on activities.

We are hoping to run this event biannually and we have even more ideas for next time. A massive thank you to Miss Welch who organised this week.

Hunsbury Hedgehogs

Also, this week we launched our Hunsbury Hedgehogs – a weekly Forest School sessions for toddlers and pre-schoolers. They had a wonderful time exploring our school woodland site, from the mud kitchen and sandpit, to bubbles and potions, sharing a snack and a song. Being in the centre of our community is really important and whilst we currently do not have a pre-school we want to do as much as we can for our little East Hunsbrarians.

Sports Days

Our Sports Days got well under way this week and whilst it was similar to before this time we trialled doing it in year groups. We felt that when we had multiple year groups taking part it meant that running and event time was limited and we wanted to make sure that our families got plenty of time watching and with their children. Whilst we know there will always be improvements to be made, we hope, for those of you who could attend, that you enjoyed it. We still have a few more year group sports days to go – keep your fingers crossed for the weather!


Last week, 12 children represented our school in the Saints Cup tournament – they were captained superbly by Oliver who was backed up by Vlad as his Vice Captain. The team played exceptionally well winning MANY of their matches. This tournament though wasn’t about the winning and 2 teams were chosen from random who showed the RFU’s shining star qualities e.g. those who showed their values. Although the children played brilliantly and were fantastic sports people, sadly, on this occasion they didn’t get through to the next round but we congratulate Bridgewater Primary and Olney Middle School who did.

Also last week, 9 girls from Years 5 & 6 took part in a girls’ Rugby Festival at Franklins Gardens. What an amazing day they had! They not only played rugby they got to meet and design a new shirt for the Women’s Loughborough Lightning team and also wave off the Saints 1st Team (getting many autographs on their tag belts) prior to their historic match on Saturday against Bath – did you watch it?! What an amazing result!

And in addition to all of the above, our Year 4s finished their multiplication check, Year 1s completed their phonics screening and brilliant lessons were taught across the school!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you next week for more fun and learning.

Ms Pennington