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Welcome back to Summer 2 07.06.24

Dear Families

Welcome to Summer 2! The final half term of our academic year and we are very excited about all of the fantastic things we have planned from sports days and dance performances to our Summer Fete (June 29th), music gala and lots of school trips! Please do check the dates at the back of this newsletter and via your Dojo account.

A shorter week for the children this week but nonetheless, we managed to pack a lot in…

Library award!

We are thrilled to share with you that we have made the finals of the National School’s Library of the Year Award 2024! This is a huge honour and one we are very proud to have been shortlisted for. As you know, reading sits at the heart of everything that we do and we have so many initiatives to get children loving their reading. We have a fantastic library that we continue to invest in which is led by an amazing librarian! Watch this space to see how we do at the award ceremony later this month.

The Change Maker 10p challenge

On the last day of the Summer 1 term, our school gathered on the playground for the big reveal of which house raised the most money collecting 10ps. This was a fabulous event that raised over £500 - all of which will go towards the Change Makers’ Project of creating a quiet area in the playground. A huge well done to Whittlewood who won and claimed the 100 points prize and a big thank you to the Change Makers and Miss Welch for organising it.


Tuesday was a very busy day for us. We started with a Welcome Back assembly where we learnt about our rule of Respect. We also launched the Trust’s Poetry Slam (we won last year) and are already looking forward to our new entries.

Also on Tuesday, it was our 3rd Cosy Corner led by Mrs Jutla. We love events such as this where our school and community come together.

Year 6s Prayer Space

On Wednesday, our Year 6 children took part in Prayer Spaces, a workshop day run by The Lighthouse Trust and supported by volunteers from churches and youth groups in the area. The children really enjoyed exploring their feelings and ideas around transition and moving to secondary school and were fantastic at considering their worries, things they are grateful for and their wishes for the future. This was a great experience for them amongst the busyness of the end of term, and we will continue to build on these ideas as we work towards transition.

Year 4’s trip to the National Gallery

On Thursday, our Year 4 children visited the National Gallery in London as part of their Take One Picture project. It was an amazing, inspiring day and it is wonderful to be able to provide our children with such enriching experiences. I look forward to sharing their artwork with you in the near future.


Today has been a day of Rugby! As you receive this newsletter, we have children from Years 4-6 playing in the Saints Tag Rugby cup and a group of talented girls in Years 5 and 6 playing at Franklins Gardens. More information about how they all got on will be in next week’s newsletter.

This term sees our Year 4 children take their multiplication test and Year 1 children their phonics check – if you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me or their class teacher.

100 Reads

As we are beginning to see the end of the academic year on the horizon, please do let Mrs De Chastelain know if your child has read all of the 100 Reads.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you on Monday.