Anti-bullying 24.11.23

Dear Families

Another tremendous week had by all here at EHPS! Our house tokens are really impacting positively across the school and thank you everyone who brought in gifts for our famous Christmas hampers last week. We will soon be sending raffle tickets home so please watch this space.

Anti-bullying assembly and creative competition

This week started with an assembly led by Mrs Roberts all about anti-bullying to follow up from anti-bullying week last week when we wore our odd socks. At EHPS, we do not tolerate bullying in any form and will always endeavour to act swiftly, supportively and thoroughly when any concerns are raised. We talk to the children about how to recognise bullying using the acronym STOP (Several Times on Purpose) and if bullying happens to them to also STOP (Start Telling Other People).

If your child, or another child they know, feels they are being bullied there are lots of people in school that they can talk to, starting with their class teacher and other adults in their year group.

A local charity, Notivate, are running a song writing competition linked to this very important theme. Any anti-bullying songwriters can get involved in their own time if they wish. Please see their website for more information.

Debating Team

On Monday, a group of 8 Year 6 children visited the University of Northampton to take part in some debate training. The day consisted of different exercises which taught the children how debating worked, encouraged them to speak in front of a large audience and consider how to both propose and oppose a motion. The children did a fantastic job and won the first two mini competitions of the day. We now look forward to taking them back to the university in January where they will compete in the first round of the Cicero cup debating competition against other schools.

Thank you to Mrs Boswell, Mrs Heavens and Miss Welch for organising.

Parking – Meeting with the Police

On Wednesday, I had a productive meeting with PC Kellie regarding parking. I have been regularly sharing our concerns with the police and highways agency, not only about the inconsiderate and dangerous parking but also about an increase in hostility towards our community (including staff and parents) when parking. As a school we are taking this matter very seriously.

School of Life Continues

On Tuesday, a group of children once again visited East Hunsbury Library to play games and chat with our local seniors. This is all part of our ongoing community work as part of Education Team: Our World. It is wonderful seeing the intergenerational collaboration and we love working with East Hunsbury Parish Council to make opportunities like this possible.

Roofing update

As you will be aware, work has started on our new roof (hurrah!). So far we are on schedule, I just hope that the weather does not cause a delay. Thank you to everyone who has been respectful and responsible when accesssing school grounds. Please can I remind you to not walk across the car park and only come into the car park if you have a blue badge or pass (I beg any families with a pass that could walk to do so).


Do you follow us on Facebook? We often post reminders and updates about the wonderful things going on in our school. Next week, our Festive Facebook Book Advent will begin – we will actually post 25 books between 1st and 12th (an EYFS/KS1 and a KS2). They will be great books you may want to consider buying as Christmas presents or read with your child.

Talking of books…

Our Christmas Amazon Wish List

We have put together a little Christmas wish list full of books that we are sharing with our families in case they feel that they are able to gift our library a book. This is, of course, voluntary but if you feel you can buy our library a book which can then be shared with the whole school please click here. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Holidays in term time

Please can I remind families that you are not permitted to take holidays in term time. I am unable to authorise them and you may incur a fine from the Local Authority.


Finally, our brilliant choir is performing at the Hunsbury Festive Fair this Saturday – why not pop along and see them at 3pm? Thank you Mrs Landeman for helping the children with this event… it really is beginning to look at lot like Christmas.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Pennington