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Yr 5 Shakespeare 09.02.24

Dear Families

We have reached the penultimate week of Spring 1 and we are looking forward to our final week of a fabulous term. Looking back there have been so many things to celebrate from the enriching experiences and brilliant assemblies to high quality teaching and learning.


This week, Mrs Roberts held an assembly all about how to care for your Mental Health. This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness week and we introduced the theme "My Voice Matters." In assembly, we discussed the importance of talking about Mental Health and who the children can talk to both in and out of school. We watched a video called "5 ways to wellbeing," which showed how connection, being active, learning new skills, giving to others and paying attention can help us to be happier. We also introduced our brand new Kindness Ambassadors.

Also this week, PCSO Lee Shelton visited our Year 5 and 6 pupils to talk about park safety and walking home safely. It was great to see the children ask sensible questions and for them to learn a little more about staying safe when not with a grown up.

Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs)

Did you know…? We have 2 trained Adult Mental Health First Aiders and 3 trained Childrens’ Mental Health First Aiders. Please see who they are on page 3.

We have big plans about how this team will support our community so watch this space.

We also have some brilliant Kindness Ambassadors from Years 5 and 6. Kindness Ambassadors are trained to work alongside our MHFAs to offer support to children at play times and lunchtimes with positive mental fitness, helping them to develop strategies to be kinder to themselves, and others if needed. Our Kindness Ambassadors will be the first port of call for children who have worries or concerns and will work closely with our MHFAs to help those who need a little more support. The Nest will be open on a Monday and Friday lunchtime for a “Nest Natter” with trained MHFAs. Children will be able to access this via the Kindness Ambassadors.

Year 5 Shakespeare

As I am sure that you are aware, our wonderful Year 5 children have been involved in our RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company) and Trust project based on The Merchant of Venice. Their Talk for Writing has been about The Merchant of Venice and they have written recounts, poems, reports and balanced arguments. They have also written a biography about Shakespeare in our Talk for Reading unit. They have been studying the Tudor time period in History and Judasim in RE which all links in with The Merchant of Venice.

Throughout the term, the children have also been involved in a variety of activities such as: creative writing, song writing, drama, batik, dance and calligraphy. We are really proud of what they have created and are looking forward to seeing some children perform on the Royal Theatre, Northampton stage on 18th March. Well done Year 5 and all of the staff for making the magic happen!

The roof

I am thrilled to say that our roof is now 99% finished. During half term, there will be some small bits to finish off and repairs to do internally but it is already making such a difference.

Change Makers’ Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported our Bring and Buy sale organised by the Change Makers last week. I am pleased to inform you that we raised over £600 which will be match funded by Barclaycard. #Brilliant! This is all going towards the Change Makers’ project to create a quiet space on our playground (hopefully with shade). Thank you to our brilliant Change Makers and to Miss Welch who organised it all.

Mufti Day – Friday 16th February – wear bright colours

Next Friday, we will be holding a mufti day for Felicity. Felicity is a beautiful little girl who has sadly been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour. Felicity lives in our local community, and, as a school, we would like to show our love and support to her and her family. The family are raising money so that all of Felicity’s wishes can come true. You can read more and donate by clicking on this link. Please do not send cash with your child on the day as we have no way of getting it to Felicity‘s family. The only way to donate is via this link.

Also next week, we are looking forward to Year 3 and Orange class’ assembly.


Finally, I look forward to seeing some of our families at the EHPS Bingo night tonight.

Remember to note some of our other dates which have been in the calendar since September:

  • Easter Cafe – 23rd March
  • Summer fete – 29th June

Happy weekend everyone.

Ms Pennington