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World Book Day 08.03.24

Dear Families

Another wonderful week and Easter doesn’t seem that far away now! It is lovely that the nights are getting a little lighter too.

Thank you to everyone who attended this week’s Parents’ Evening. There was a wonderful buzz around the school and it was lovely to talk to so many of you. Thank you as well for supporting our book fair.

House Assembly

The week started with our 4th House Assembly led by our House Leaders: Miss Stryjek, Mrs New, Mrs Halsall & Mrs Linnell and Mrs Kelly.

The assembly started by reporting the house points totals. Congratulations to Whittlewood who are currently in the lead.

Mrs Kelly and Sarah Halsall went on to explain the 3 ways the children can earn house points this term.

  1. We will be focusing on the school value "Work hard"
  2. Change Makers are collecting 10p pieces - the house which collects the most will earn 100 points
  3. Taking part in our house event this term which is decorating an Easter egg. This can be in any form the children wish - paint an egg, build a lego egg, colour a picture, dye a hard boiled egg etc. This is to be done at home and brought to school on Friday 22nd March. All entries will earn a house point. Each year group will chose a winner earning 10 points. Mrs Pennington will chose a school 1st, 2nd and 3rd who will earn 30, 20 and 10 points respectively. All eggs will be displayed at the Easter Cafe on Saturday 23rd March.

The houses are really uniting our children and it is wonderful to see our mini communities strengthening our whole school community. Still lots planned for this year and the children are currently very excited about the 10p challenge.

Who can you speak to if you have a question?

Please remember that if you have any concerns or question (or want to report something positive!) your first port-of-call is your child’s class teacher but please also note below the leader assigned to your child’s phase:

  • Mrs Kelly Roberts - Reception
  • Mrs Lindsey York - Years 1 and 2 (Assistant Head and SENCo)
  • Mrs Julia Fenton - Years 3 and 4 (Assistant Head)
  • Mrs Sarah Heavens - Years 5 and 6 (Assistant Head)
  • Mrs Lucy Boswell - Head of the Specialist Unit

Of course, if you need to speak to me, my door is always open and you can contact me via email, Class Dojo or via the main school office.

World Book Day

This week we also enjoyed World Book Day. Did you hear us on BBC Radio Northampton? To be honest, every day here at EHPS is a book day! However, the day started with a whole school reading assembly led expertly by our Reading Ambassadors. Then, throughout the day we heard children read and also read with a friend from across the school – we love reading together. During World Book Day we launched our new reading spine called: Be You. Be Proud. It is a collection of books which supports children’s individuality and is inspired by our Protected Characteristics. There are lots of pictures of our bookish activities later in the newsletter.

Mental Health week – My Voice Matters

Mental Health week was 5 - 11th February but I thought that it would be useful to reshare some of the important information with you. Later in the newsletter, you’ll find information which gives guidance on how you can talk to your child about Mental Heath – the conversation starters are great.

Easter Cafe

We are very excited about our Easter café that is coming up on Saturday 23rd March. We are looking forward to organising an Easter egg hunt and more information will be shared in the very near future but please note that we will be having a chocolate mufti day (bring in chocolate in exchange for wearing your own clothes) on 15th March to make our famous Chocolate hampers! Yum! Raffle tickets will be on sale very soon.

Walk in Wednesday

On 13th March, it’s Walk in Wednesday. Come and enjoy some Easter Craft activities in the classroom with your child between 8.30am and 9.15am.

Holidays and car park (again!)

Again… please, please do not book holidays in school time. We cannot authorise them and you may incur a fine from the Local Authority. This week’s attendance is over 96% which is great – let’s keep it there!

You are not allowed to enter the school car park unless you have a green EHPS parking pass or a blue badge – even when it is raining!

Red Nose Day 15th March 2024

We will not be dressing up for Red Nose Day but it you would like to make a donation click here. Children are also welcome to wear a Red Nose if they have purchased one.

Finally, Happy International Womens’ Day to all of the wonderful women out there, including those that work at EHPS to educate you children and make sure the school runs so smoothly. But also, to the 3 especially important ones in my life - my Mum and my twins – Happy International Womens’ Day!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and, if you are celebrating Mothers’ Day, I hope you have a brilliant time.

Ms Pennington