Olympic Gymnast visit 24.01.25

Dear Families

Another brilliant week has flown by filled with lots of exciting learning and opportunities. It is hard to believe we have completed 3 weeks of our Spring term already!

A few reminders

I thought that I would start this letter with three general reminders:

1. You are not allowed to park or drive in our school car park without a car park pass or disabled badge.
2.Children (including toddlers) are not allowed to ride scooters or bikes on the school playground.
3.Learning starts at 08:45am so your children must be in and ready to learn by this time!

Thank you to the families who always follow our rules as it helps to keep our community safe and the world of school turning.

Inspirational Assembly

This week, we were really lucky to have inspirational speaker: Georgia-Mae Fenton lead our Monday assembly. Georgia-Mae has been part of the GB Team since the age of 11 and has competed in both the European and World Championships. Paris 2024 was her first Olympics, where she placed 4th in the women's 'all-around' team final. She trains at the same club as Max Whitlock (who has competed in 5 Olympic Events receiving Bronze, Silver and Gold medals throughout his career).

This was organised as part of our Careers and Aspirations Education Team which helps us uphold our school mission of children knowing their future choices and opportunities. Listening to Georgia, the children learnt all about her journey to the Olympics, and how she had to work hard to achieve her goals. Thank you, Miss Welch for organising and to FEHPs for funding this event.

Click here to see Georgia in action.

What have we been learning?

I thought that it would be nice to share some of the fantastic learning and opportunities that are going on in our school at the moment….

Reception are having a brilliant time learning about space this term. We have looked closely at the moon and the sun and talked about the different planets in our solar system, with the help from our solar system song. It has been wonderful to see the children taking on a role in their play as astronauts and using the space role play with enjoyment. Lots of children have also been busy in the studio making their own rockets using junk modelling.

Year 1 have started learning all about about primary and secondary colours in art. The primary colours are red, blue and yellow. We mixed two primary colours to make a secondary colour.

Year 2 have been enjoying learning about food chains in Science.

In Year 3, we have been investigating arrays using equipment and pictorial representations to support our learning.

Year 4 have been learning to write portal stories! Inspired by Mr Guilder entering a portal, which he found in his cupboard last week, and he even brought back a Giraffe’s feather!!

Year 5 have kicked off the term with a huge focus on Shakespeare as part of their work with the RSC with drama rehearsals and art workshops!

Year 6 have their heads down busily working hard for their SATs. Boosters have started and the children are taking their learning seriously. They are also enjoying their PE lessons where they are learning all about gymnastics and balances and their history is exploring the ancient city of Benin!

Finally, In The Nest we have been learning all about the word "more" we have been signing the word, saying the word, finding it on our communication boards and asking for more of our favourite things.

Forest school

We are so lucky to have our wonderful Forest School which is expertly managed by Mrs Normington and also taught by Miss Ferrier and Cat Day. We are pleased that every child in reception, Year 2, 4 and 6 get a block of forest school! Here are some pictures of what they have been up to recently – we are pleased to say weather never stops us!

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Don’t forget that next week it is our termly Walk in Wednesday and we will be having a focus on reading! Have a lovely weekend.

Ms Pennington